...or your eyelashes will freeze shut! Monday and Tuesday were very cold (single digits F). In this kind of weather, the moist air from my exhaled breath funnels up my face mask and freezes on my eyelashes. Since I bike in an easterly direction on my way to work, I'm looking right into the rising morning sun. So, I have to squint to cut the glare. If I squint long enough - my eyelashes actually freeze together!
I'm back in the saddle this week after biking only 1 and 1/2 days last week. My saddle broke off my seat post on the way to work on Tuesday (bolt snapped), and I never got the chance to get a replacement part. I am SO lucky to have so many carpool options with my co-workers, so it was not a problem to catch rides for the rest of last week.
This week, I needed to get back in the saddle for my own sanity. I'm fighting the winter blahs (aka winter blues, cabin fever, seasonal affective disorder), and my ride is my salvation. Although I had some chilly rides on Monday and Tuesday, and a messy ride today (an inch of new snow over icy roads), it felt good to be back on the program. I'm hoping to put in a full week of riding this week... it will really lift my spirits. I enjoy winter riding - but I'm ready for less clothing, less gear, and a faster ride!
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